I use this
I figure it's important to differentiate here the stuff that I clicked on and found interesting vs. the stuff I actually use day to day — you can greatly rely on this, IMHO
Zim - Best program ever made. I use it as a personal notebook, journal, todo manager, writing editor, and to create this website.
Firefox - Better for you and the world. Long run safer, faster and gives the people leverage over monocultural software. Must have plugins include:
- https://privacybadger.org/ - Tracker Blocker
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/ - This is the adblocker that isn't secretly owned by someone and just works.
- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tab-session-manager/ - You people that have a million tabs always open? Yikes. Just save them into groups and do this instead.
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/containers - USE THESE. Especially, put Facebook in one of these by itself.
SyncThing - One of the best tools I can recommend for everyone; it's Dropbox without Dropbox (e.g. sync from your laptop to your phone to a computer at home), and once it's set up, it just works.
On Tinc - I use this for all my devices.
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