MahRSS - the RSS reader
Created Wednesday 19 June 2019
Code begins below.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"> <head> <title>Mah RSS</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="UTF-8"> <?php # Hey, lets put the file variables here: #$simplepieloader = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/simplepie/autoloader.php'; require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; #COLOR PICKER function genColorCodeFromText($text) { $numberstring = crc32($text); $hue = $numberstring % 360; $saturation = $numberstring % 40 + 10; $lightness = $numberstring % 25 + 65; return "hsl($hue, $saturation%, $lightness%)"; } function genColorCodeFromText2($text) { $numberstring = crc32($text); $hue = $numberstring % 360; $saturation = $numberstring % 40; $lightness = $numberstring % 25 + 55; return "hsl($hue, $saturation%, $lightness%)"; } if (isset($_GET['rssfile'])) { $cssbgcolor = genColorCodeFromText($_GET['rssfile']); } else { $cssbgcolor = "white"; } $css2 = genColorCodeFromText2($_GET['rssfile']); ?> <!-- THE MAIN CSS - the majority of the styles for the app are here, in fact, I believe the only one that is not is for adding the color of the categories for the dropdown, which took some hackery --> <style> body { font-family: 'Cabin','Lato', Fallback, sans-serif; color:Black; background-color:<?php echo $cssbgcolor ?>; /* width:700px; */ margin:50px auto; padding:10px; } a { text-decoration:none; color:Black; padding:0 1px } a:hover { background-color:#333; coloir:#fff; text-decoration:none; } div.header { background-color: Black; color:<?php echo $cssbgcolor ?>; height: 75px; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 4px; } div.item { /* font-size:90%; */ color:White; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-top: 5px; border-spacing:1px; /* this is for firefox android i think? */ margin-bottom:1px; margin-right:4px; padding-left:20px; font-size:120%; } div.item:nth-of-type(2n+1) { background-color: <?php echo $css2 ?>; } div.block { margin-bottom:40px; } /* favicons are the only images (for now) */ img { height: 30px; padding: 10px; } </style> </head> <body> <!-- and now, the content. SIMPLEPIE IS APPARENTLY DEPRECATED and I'm supposed to be using Picofeed. Again, later --> <?php #require_once($simplepieloader); // Given a file, parses the feeds out line by line, then feeds the feeds into SimplePie and prints them out. // function getfeed($feedfile) { $feedArray = explode("\n", file_get_contents($feedfile)); foreach ($feedArray as $feedurl){ $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_feed_url($feedurl); $feed->init(); $feed->handle_content_type(); /*------ FIRST THE TITLE STUFF ----------------*/ $fpermalink = $feed->get_permalink(); $ftitle = $feed->get_title(); $fdesc = $feed->get_description(); /*---- simplepie's favicon grabber is broken. stupidly trying to write my own. I think google can do one too, but no. ---*/ $urlData = parse_url($feedurl); $host = $urlData['host']; $ficon = "http://" . $host . "/favicon.ico"; /* ---- here is the text, echo it RIGHT AFTER -- This is HEREDOC!!! */ $titlethang =<<<TITLETHANG <div class="block"> <div class="header"> <h1> <a style="color:inherit;" href=$fpermalink>$ftitle</a> <img src="$ficon" ALIGN=RIGHT></h1> </div> TITLETHANG; echo $titlethang; /*-- now for the feed items */ foreach($feed->get_items() as $item){ $itemlink = $item->get_permalink(); $itemtitlepre = $item->get_title(); $itemtitle=htmlspecialchars_decode($itemtitlepre); $itemthang =<<<ITEMTHANG <div class="item"> <a href=$itemlink>$itemtitle</a> </div> ITEMTHANG; echo $itemthang; } echo "</div>"; } } /* ---------- generate dropdown from files, right? * Note that I've also called that genColorCode function again here, to color in the background of the dropdown * * (which tells us how crappy the dropdown colors currently are * * * ---- */ function rssmenu() { echo '<form method="get" action="index.php">'; echo '<select name="rssfile">'; $rssfiles = glob("./rss/*"); foreach ($rssfiles as $file) { $basefile = basename($file); $bgcolor = genColorCodeFromText($file); echo "<option "; if ($_GET['rssfile'] == $file){echo "selected ";} echo "value=$file "; echo "style=\"background-color: $bgcolor\" >$basefile"; echo "</option>"; echo "\r\n"; } echo '</select> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Select" />'; echo '</form>'; } function addfeedform ($currentfeedfile) { echo '<form method="post" action="addfeed.php">'; echo 'Add feed: <input name="feed" type="text" />'; echo ' to '; $basefile = basename($currentfeedfile); echo '<input name="feedfile" value="'; echo $basefile; echo '">'; echo '<input type="submit">'; } // --- FUNNY ENOUGH, the CODE DOESN'T ACTUALLY BEGIN RUNNING UNTIL RIGHT NOW --- // Make the dropdown menu rssmenu(); // If we've selected an rss file, GREAT, gimme them feeds. If not, CHOOSE SOME FEEDS, MAN. if (isset($_GET['rssfile'])) { getfeed($_GET['rssfile']); addfeedform($_GET['rssfile']); } else { echo "choose above, son"; } ?>
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