
This is my online library and knowledgebase. What you are likely to find here includes the following and possibly more:

- Sources for interesting readings, including those that comprise assigned readings for my courses
- Lots of tech resources, software, tools and ideas, especially related to using Linux
- General fun "web flaneur" type resources; to help me (and you?) stop browsing the same old social media and reddit type sites.

*If you didn't know, categorization and taxonomy and info organizing is HARD y'all :) If I've learned anything about this topic over the years, it's that experimentation is infinitely more useful than theory (I mean, this is AT LEAST my tenth attempt at doing this, which is mostly just bookmarks)*

Speaking of experimentation, one odd deal here: I'm actually writing this in Obsidian and converting it to Zim, which then converts to my website. Strong chance I go pure Obsidian in the future, but either way, this is why you insist on things that save in open formats; everything is ALWAYS backwards compatible, though sometimes with a little work. Zim now automakes an index, but I bet that's trivially easy here, now that I think about it.


*Current ideas / rules*

Right now, pretty much just
- make a big big index here
- ALL CAPS means a smaller index of other topics
- Otherwise, don't worry too much about how broad or narrow, just go with whatever.
- Generally, I'll try to put more established at the top, and untested or unused near the bottom.

Backlinks: knowledgebase:LibraryIndex