On Docker

Here is some information on the generally fantastic containerization tool, Docker.

The hardest part these days? Installation.

Linux, virtual or real.

Detailed Instructions and Video for MX Linux and Docker

Other options

You may try the Linux specific instructions here: https://www.upwork.com/resources/how-to-install-docker-compose


You may want to just use your real machine: Try these. Basically, they really want you to install Docker Desktop, which is fine, but eventually you can (and in my opinion, should) just get to a command line, either "Powershell" or "cwd"
Instructions with speaking (everything you need is complete about 7 min in, but the rest is good background) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMyoSkQZ41E&t=149s
Instructions without speaking but some fire music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--nuchgP6B4

Also, you may try the Windows specific instructions here: - https://www.upwork.com/resources/how-to-install-docker-compose


You may want to just use your real machine: Try these. Basically, they really want you to install Docker Desktop, which is fine, but eventually you can (and in my opinion, should) just get to a command line,


Also, you may try the Mac specific instructions here: - https://www.upwork.com/resources/how-to-install-docker-compose

How you know your installation worked:

Roughly, you will know that installation is complete for us if you can, in a terminal, type

docker run hello-world

and get e.g.

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

AND ALSO, type


and get

Define and run multi-container applications with Docker.

  docker-compose [-f <arg>...] [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]
  docker-compose -h|--help


Note, docker and other containerization technology has greatly streamlined this process. It is not *required* but will likely be the easiest way to do this.

What is Docker
Long-ish overview, but most complete - https://www.sitepoint.com/what-is-docker/

Why Docker

MAC docker install

LINUX MINT docker install

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