FORMATTED User Guide ... Guide

Last week we worked on the content of our Expert and Novice User Guides: Let's finalize these and also experiment with some different methods of formatting. For your deliverable here I would like the following:

Finalized Drafts of each of your guides, in at least two different styles each, i.e. likely FOUR pdfs turned in. (two, i.e. both novice and expert styled the same in the same pdf is acceptable, but watch your formatting)

At least one of your "styles" needs to be created with Markdown and exported into a PDF. Both of them may be.

So, as a minimum, you might turn in:

Novice guide draft, Markdown, rendered in Typora - to pdf
Expert guide draft, Markdown, rendered in Typora - to pdf
Novice guide draft as docx (exported as pdf)
Expert guide draft as docx (exported as pdf)

HOWEVER, for the above ,you might want to simply try a different Remarkable (or other program) style. Also, feel free to try more than two styles or programs, etc. Again, only the Markdown->pdf style is REQUIRED, you may skip docx et al entirely.

Whichever you choose, be prepared to "defend" and explain why you chose that one. You should definitely try to look at and experiment with 4 or 5 styles and/or methods (e.g. docx, html, etc) and then select the best.

Submit all 4 files to the III.5 assignment.

Resources: - for converting ANYTHING to ANYTHING, just about

Markdown editors:

Backlinks: FSU Courses:LIS4022