Grading Specifics

Created Monday 19 October 2020

Here is a primer on how the grading goes:

20% of your grade will be short discussions; these will be pass/fail.

The rest will be comprised of what I will refer to as "Unit Work" specifically:

Despite frequently being split up into two or more sections, each 2 week Unit will be associated with one final deliverable. Within the Unit, you will complete a First draft (which will be spot checked and reviewed but not given a number grade) and a Second Draft (which will be given a number grade). There will likely be differing specifications to the drafts

If you are satisfied with the Second Draft grade , you may stop there — or you may opt for a Third review/draft at any point in the semester PRIOR to MONDAY, NOV 22.

Unit I - 15% - Sales and Business Introductions (Sales Pitch)
Unit II - 15% - Mission Statement and Policy Guide
Unit III - 15% - Novice and Expert User Guides
Unit IV - 15% - Business Correspondence

Finally, you will be *individually* responsible for a Portfolio, in which you put together your work into a presentable form, with an individually written introduction and sample "cover letter."

Portfolio - 20%

Backlinks: FSU Courses:LIS4022