LIS5417 - Introduction to Legal Research
Welcome to the course!
Team Notes
Hey folks, this week we will be doing our first team discussions. Team lists are available only in Canvas — Click on Pages and then Team Assignments on the left.
In class, I will make use of Zoom's breakout rooms. Here's a simple way to make this easy for all of us. Either before class begins, or when it is time for discussion (about halfway through the class) you will change your name in Zoom to reflect your team by prepending your team number to it. E.g. if I were on team 4, I would change my name from
John Marks
4 John Marks
That way, you will be easily arranged for me to pop you into your rooms.
Readings and Assignments
+Prior reading schedule
Week 2
Please read Chapter 3 - "Understanding the Basics of the Law"
Additionally, please read:
Transcendental Nonsense
The Law of the Horse
Week 3
./LIS5417-Categories of Law.pdf
We didn't get to the basics in Chapter 3 — please review.
Week 5 - Case Law
Read "Using Case Law," Chapter 7 in most editions.
Week 6 - Finding Case Law
Read "Finding Case Law," Chapter 6 in most editions
Week 7 - Validating Case Law
Read Chapter 8, Validating your Research
Additional Resources (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Week 9 - Quiz review and Intro to Statutes
Read chapter 5
Week 12 - Secondary Resources
Read Chapter 4 - Secondary Resources
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