Intro Notes
Created Monday 23 January 2023
The first front page - in Canvas - is the primary source of material for this course; everything you need for the course will be available here. Many links go through (including a mirror of this page for backup and emergency purposes); feel free to browse that as well. Links to all tools and readings will be available from the front page.
The official method for contacting me is in person during class, or via email, at . Please never use Canvas Conversations with me (the messaging tool in Canvas).
The textbook for the course is Legal Research, How to Find and Understand the Law, by Nolo/ Steven Elias. So far, editions 15-19 appear to be substantially similar enough to be interchangeable.
This is a fully online class, administered in Zoom (for the first time). Link available in Canvas.
This class does have a group work component. Weekly discussions with one repsonse per group is required. It will be up to your group what medium you use for this. I will provide Zoom rooms (bear with me, this will be my first time using Zoom instead of Collaborate) and I also have a Discord server on which I can make persistent rooms.
Broadly, I recommend the latter; I'll discuss more later, but I (ironically) find Discord to be a *significantly* more mature team communication tool that *any* other. We will test Zoom on the first day, but no official assignment will be due and we can finalize things then.
See you on Monday,Jan 10!
Backlinks: FSU Courses:LIS5417