Term Project Rubric

Created Monday 19 October 2020

In this course, you will complete a cybersecurity related project of your choosing. Broadly, you will give an explanation and demonstration of how you might solve, mitigate, or otherwise address an "issue," i.e. hypothetical threat, vulnerability, crisis, or opportunity.

It must include the following:

An "assesment" — including:

A demonstration

(Note, while your work may focus heavily on a particular tool — be sure you're addressing an issue and not the tool itself, i.e. don't do the "when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail" thing.)

Medium is largely up to you. I will require the equivalent of at least 1000 words, and you may do this in e.g. the form of:
- Prose writing, likely with screenshots/slides or at least "text dumps"
- A video/screencast
- I *think* slide presentations like powerpoint could work, but you'd need to determine the best way to get large chunks of text in

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