In an effort to balance the diverse needs of the students in this class, my plan is to use a singular "specs-grading" system for the assignments in the class, roughly corresponding to each of the individual web-design assignments. You will simply recieve one final score that will comprise 50% of your grade (the code assessment) in the class.
Here are the requirements, in increasing order of grade values.
To recieve a 50% grade, you must:
Have a self-created main page, available via through clicking a URL. It must display some text.
It should be available exactly at the following URL (substituting your FSUID for "FSUID", of course)
*Note: this should also make it available at simply
To recieve a 60% grade, you must do the above, plus:
Your webpage must conform to a standard html format. (It need not "validate" perfectly, but it must follow the basic structure of an HTML Document)
It must include
- A unique title
- A headline
- Content in the "body"
- A header
See e.g.
To recieve a 70%, you must do the above, plus your site..
- Must have at least one more page, with the pages linked to one another
- Must contain both an article and another division (or "div") with its own unique id attribute.
- Must make use of paragraphs
- Must contain one or more (absolute, for reasons you ought to understand) links to an *external* website
- Must contain one or more (relative, also for reasons you ought to understand) links to another internal page.
- Must contain one or more inline images. It may either be absolute or relative. Note that relative will require that you upload your own image, while absolute will require you possibly being a rude webmaker (though many sites are cool with this, do your research)
To recieve an 80%, you must do the above, plus your site..
Some CSS styling, as follows:
* At least one example of styling utilizing an EXTERNAL style sheet (i.e. a linked file). Call this file "style.css" and ensure it is in your main folder
- At least one example of EMBEDDED or IN-LINE styling (i.e., somewhere in the actual HTML itself.)
- At least one "english" color, one RGB color, and one HSL color