
Created Thursday 11 April 2024

Note--because docker

you may or may not have much use for ANY of this.

the holy mess that is the web.

Here goes: This ONLY makes sense if you remember that the web grew and accreted on itself, and encouraged to do so primarily by "market forces"...
as opposed to "designed."


Plain ol' text. BBS and the like


"Lets make this look better than the Matrix, SEMANTICALLY"


"Still kind of ugly, now let's go VISUAL"


are ill defined.

What to think about (maybe)

  1. The "computer"
  2. The "OS" (lol it's linux)
  3. The "frontend" — HTML/CSS/probably at least a little JS
  4. The main "server side language"
  5. (Javascript) Frameworks?
  6. Database?

A webserver and real language:

Old school way (that's still pretty popular)

Webserver (which just serves up pages)
Language (e.g. PHP or ASP) — i.e. a web-specific language



A webserver and general language:

New school way

All in one
e.g. Python's Django or Flask
Node/Node.js (optionally plus frameworks)
JAVA (Spring boot)

Again, quick review of languages

Quick note on databases

It's a good question. Data storage and retrieval is hard.


The 800lb gorilla.

Once again, why this mediocre language?


(in an infinite bandwidth world, I imagine this would look different)

But why THIS language?

First to market. That's pretty much it.

But why THIS language?

"Because we need interactivity on the web right now, and anything’s better than Flash."

Brendan Eich, Creator of Javascript...

“I was writing something that could be used by people who didn’t know what a compiler was.
They were just going to load it.

“It was like Basic. That was really the pitch….”

“I was under marketing orders to make it look like Java but not make it too big for its britches.
It’s just this sort of silly little brother language, right? The sidekick to Java.”



Client- Side Language.

Meaning, the BROWSER does the work.

Arbitrary, executable code in your browser, all the time.


SO- in PHP (and other server side languages)
- The computer hosting the website does the work.

In Javascript?
- Your computer, the one viewing the website, does the work.


Javascript got big

real big

Lets redo everything in JS

Fine, I kind of get it.

What is a framework?

Good question.

Someone tried to make a new platform that everyone
uses to make their stuff, and some succeeded.

Closest analogue, like a videogame engine?
or "meta-language"

MARKETED WELL, many probably work well too

Has it gotten better?

Yes, I think. Almost out of necessity.

But just about EVERYTHING has been replicated, rewritten.

Not only can you theoretically do everything in Javascript, a lot of it is literally "there."

But-- LOTS of wheel reinvention. I mean LOTS

So much so, it's hard to keep up with.

Also, lots of transpiling and other languages etc. etc.

The RUNK problem

The error


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