Final Project
For your final project in the course, you will select a (Linux based) service, and attempt to implement it, documenting your progress well along the way. You have a pretty broad range of choices here, consider the below:
A short list of examples might be:
- A web server
- A web enabled cataloguing service
- A file synchronization service (e.g. Syncthing or Nextcloud as a Dropbox replacement)
- A music server (e.g. Navidrome, Mstream, Funkwhale as a Spotify replacement)
- A media server (e.g. Emby or Jellyfin as a Netflix replacement)
- Smart Home Software (e.g. Home Assistant)
- A voice controlled assistant (e.g. Mycroft or json2voice as a Siri/Alexa replacement)
- An AI tool, (Ollama/Vicuna as a ChatGPT replacement or Stable Diffusion as Midjourney Dall-E)
You are by no means llmited to the choices here. Below are more possible ideas.
LIS3353:Linux Install Resources:Linux and Pis and Homeservices Oh My
Self-Hosted Ideas and Resources
I. An Introduction.
The introduction should state
- A short statement of scope (i.e. what are you going to do, and what you are not going to do.)
- Finally, name the technology you propose to actually use or attempt to use in the beginning, including the "machine" and the "software."
II. An overview
Why is it useful, and specifically, why might your idea be superior
Explain what (possible) paid or cloud service this might replace.
Provide other possible options and possibilities.
Who are ALL the users (e.g. will there be administrators vs regular users?)
Where will it be hosted, ideally and/or practically?
When will it be active, ideally and/or practically
III. A summary of what you actually did
Be sure to state with specificity what worked, what didn't, why things worked out the way they did and what you might do in the future.
IV. Conclusions
For your proposal, give me a draft of your introduction, and be sure to include the proposed technology. You will not be held to the thing you name here,but I'd like it there for at least a start.
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