PHP Example Code
Created Thursday 23 May 2019
Escaping special characters:
<html> <head> <title>Escapes</title> </head> <body> <?php echo "PHP is totally \"fun\""; echo "<br>"; echo "Gotta make that \$"; echo "<br><br>"; echo "\t Tabby-tab-tab"; echo "<br>"; echo "More \n new \n line \n fun. Maybe."; ?>
Math Operations:
<html> <head> <title>Mathops with Variables</title> </head> <body> <?php $x = 20; $y = 3; $add = $x + $y; $sub = $x - $y; $mult = $x * $y; $div = $x / $y; $mod = $x % $y; echo "Stuff we can do with VARIABLES. <br>"; echo "x is $x, y is $y<br>"; echo "add ".$add; echo "<br>"; echo "subtract ".$sub; echo "<br>"; echo "multiply ".$mult; echo "<br>"; echo "divide ".$div; echo "<br>"; echo "modulus ".$mod; echo "<br>"; ?> </body> </html>
<?php $value = 14; if ($value < 12 ) { echo "the value is LESS than 12"; } else { echo "it's MORE than or equal to 12"; } echo "<br>and we're done"; ?>
IF with ELSE
<?php //Notice the lack of { } for one-line blocks of if/else code. $age = 2; $playground_min_age = 5; $playground_max_age = 12; if ($age < $playground_min_age) echo "You are too young to play on the playground. Go away!"; elseif ($age > $playground_max_age) echo "You are too old to play on the playground. Weirdo."; else echo "You can come play on the playground"; ?>
<?php $count = 15; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { echo "FOR STYLE! We are on $i in this loop!<br>"; } ?>
<html> <title>While</title> </head> <body> <?php $count = 0; $max= 15; echo "<ul>"; while ($count < $max) { echo "<li>We are on count number $count through this loop!</li>"; $count++; } echo "</ul>"; ?> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <title>Arrays</title> </head> <body> <?php //This creates an array and puts some initial values into it $myColors = array("red", "green", "blue"); //Adds an additional element to the array (note the brackets) $myColors[] = "yellow"; //Refer to an element in an array echo "The 0th color is "; echo $myColors[0]; echo "<br>"; echo "The (not really) 3rd element is "; echo $myColors[3]; ?>
Associative Arrays
<html> <head> <title>Associative Arrays</title> </head> <body> <?php //My associative array $marvel = array( "Iron Man" => "Earth", "Thor" => "Asgard", "Hulk" => "Earth", "Loki" => "Asgard", "Captain America" => "Earth", "Hawkeye" => "Earth"); foreach($marvel as $character => $homeplace) { if ($homeplace == "Earth"){ echo "$character is human"; } elseif ($homeplace == "Asgard"){ echo "$character is alien or something"; } else { echo "I dont even know, man"; } echo "<br>"; };
Nested Arrays (an Array of Arrays)
<title>Nested arrays</title> </head> <body> <?php //Notice below how I will use the ship's name for the key, and the ship's attributes for the sub-array items. $ships = array(); $ships["Nebuchadnezzar"] = array("Captain" => "Morpheus" , "First Mate" => "Trinity"); $ships["Osiris"] = array("Captain" => "Thadeus" , "First Mate" => "Jue"); $ships["Logos"] = array("Captain" => "Niobe" , "First Mate" => "Ghost"); $ships["Caduceus"] = array("Captain" => "Ballard" , "First Mate" => "Malachi"); //Let us print a HTML table out of this: echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Ship name</th>"; echo "<th>Captain</th>"; echo "<th>First Mate</th>"; echo "</tr>"; foreach($ships as $currShip => $currShipAtts) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>$currShip</td>"; echo "<td> {$currShipAtts["Captain"]} </td>"; echo "<td> {$currShipAtts["First Mate"]} </td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ?>
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