Older Final Specs Example

Created Friday 25 September 2020

IMPORTANT: THIS IS *NOT* THE OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIS-5362, FALL 2021 — This is last semesters' provided for your benefit. It is not likely to change much, but my advice is to follow the official set of specs in time with the instructor.

To recieve a 50% grade, you must:

Have a self-created main page, available via http://torch.cci.fsu.edu through clicking a URL. It must display some text.

It should be available exactly at the following URL (substituting your FSUID for "FSUID", of course)


*Note: this should also make it available at simply

To recieve a 60% grade, you must do the above, plus:

Your webpage must conform to a standard html format. (It need not "validate" perfectly, but it must follow the basic structure of an HTML Document)

It must include

See e.g. https://tutorialehtml.com/en/html-tutorial-elements-body-head-title

To recieve a 70%, you must do the above, plus your site..


To recieve an 80%, you must do the above, plus your site..

Some CSS styling, as follows:
* At least one example of styling utilizing an EXTERNAL style sheet (i.e. a linked file). Call this file "style.css" and ensure it is in your main folder



To recieve a 90%, you must do the above, plus your site must have



To recieve 100%, you must do the above plus


Note, missing small parts of the above does not automatically disqualify you from the higher grades; partial credit will be given for partially completed stages.