PHP Example Code

Created Thursday 23 May 2019

Math Operations:

<title>Mathops with Variables</title>

$x = 20;
$y = 3;

$add = $x + $y;
$sub = $x - $y;
$mult = $x * $y;
$div =  $x / $y;
$mod = $x % $y;

echo "Stuff we can do with VARIABLES. <br>";
echo "x is $x, y is $y<br>";
echo "add ".$add;
echo "<br>";
echo "subtract ".$sub;
echo "<br>";
echo "multiply ".$mult;
echo "<br>";
echo "divide ".$div;
echo "<br>";
echo "modulus ".$mod;
echo "<br>";




$value = 14;

if ($value < 12 )
		echo "the value is LESS than 12";
		echo "it's MORE than or equal to 12";

echo "<br>and we're done";


IF with ELSE


 //Notice the lack of { } for one-line blocks of if/else code.
 $age = 2;

 $playground_min_age = 5;
 $playground_max_age = 12;

 if ($age < $playground_min_age)
  echo "You are too young to play on the playground.  Go away!";
 elseif ($age > $playground_max_age)
   echo "You are too old to play on the playground.  Weirdo.";
   echo "You can come play on the playground";




 $count = 15;

  for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
    echo "FOR STYLE! We are on $i in this loop!<br>";
